Aminet 13
Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso
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Page-Master by SieGeL (tRSi/X-iNNOVATiON) - Page-Door for FAME BBS-Systems
V0.01 (05-28-95) - First Beta-Relase on dEATH aNGEL & mAINFRAME BBS
+Uses a font-sensitive Window with three Gadtools-driven
Gadgets allowing the Sysop :
1. ..to go directly into chat!
2. ..to abort the Chatrequest
3. ..to kick the User out of the BBS :)
The Window tries to pop up on every accessable Public-
screen (in most cases the Workbench Screen), and
ScreenToFront() it immediatly. While Paging, the user
is able to stop paging while pressing any key, also the
Sysop could stop paging simply by pressing the Close-
Gadget of the Window. If you press 'Go in Chat' Page-
master open the Node-chat and you could start chatting.
Of course Page-Master also checks out the Chatflag and
page only when the Flag is set to on!
V0.02 (05-29-95) - First Registrated Update!
+Added a Error-Standard for all upcoming doors. Every
Door is now able to stop and Print out a Error-Message
what went wrong during the Stop,i.e. if a Door uses the
RD Commands and you don't allow them in the Systemeditor,
the Door says that you have to allow the RD-Commands..:)
+Page-Master writes now in the Callers.Log to allow my
LastCallers to recognize the pagings..:)
(05-30-95) +Added two Tooltypes to Page-Master.info :
PASSWORD=<string> where <string> could be a Password
with max. 50 Chars length, longer
chars will be cutted.
If you don't specify this Option, the Password-Checking
is disabled. If you enter here a Password, the user who
knows this PW could page you in any case if he enters
this PW anywhere on the Reason-Prompt. But to give it
more flexibility, the User has to enter the PW case-
sensitive, otherwise Page-Master doesn't accept this!
For more Informations look in the Doc-File :)
BEEPING=<TRUE|FALSE> This allows Sysops to decide for
themself if Page-Master should flash
the Screen during the Paging. Default
is TRUE. Set it to FALSE if you don't
want to use it.
+Added Command-Line Support, meaning you could enter
'o ?' to see directly the Highscores.
V0.03 (05-31-95) - Next Update
+Added the Highscore Support. A Datafile called
Page-Master.dat will be created in PROGDIR: directory.
Of course the Sysop won't be shown in this List.
V0.04 (06-01-95) - Internal Update
+Fixed the Problem with the Locking of the Frontmost
Screen. Now Page-Master is able to open it's window on
EVERY FRONTMOST Public Screen, not only the Workbench.
If the Frontmost Screen is not a Public screen, Page-
Master open it's window on WB-Screen. Tested with CED
and DOpus Screens.
V0.05 (06-03-95) - Next Update
+Added new ToolType MAX_USERS. This allows you to limit
the displaying of the Top Pagers to the Value you entered
here. If this Tooltype doesn't exist, the Default value
of 10 will be used.
+Added new ToolType BULLETIN, allowing you to create a
Top Pager Bulletin to the Path you entered here.
V0.06 (06-07-95) - Next Update
+After Strider had installed a new Doorcommand, Page-
Master writes now the Server-Action in white when a user
pages the Sysop, but if the User views the Highscores,
the String wouldn't displayed any more in white, so the
Sysop is able to easily sees which user wants to chat
with him.
(06-08-95) +Installed the Recognition of MaxDailyPages. If a user
pages too often a day, Page-Master ignores the Chat-
Request and stops paging. This avoids the wellknown
Looser-Chat-Attacks :) . Page-Master uses as reference
the MaxPages from SystemEditor/Secure/Levels. Of course
the Password-Option overrides this checking, meaning if
a user pages with the Security-PW, Page-Master pages you
in any case.
V0.07 (06-13-95) - Update
Now if the Sysop selects the 'DON'T CHAT' Button, Page-
master closes the Window and stops paging, but on the
Userside Page-Master doesn't stop, so you could avoid
chats with users you don't want to go into chat, 'coz
the User thinks that he's paging you all the time. :)
V0.071 (06-15-95) - Beta-Update
+Fixed a little Bug containing the Window...during a
wrong IDCMP-Flag, the window always closes if you press
the Depth-Gadget two times...:) Now changed to the
SMART_REFRESH option, which works 100% now..:=)
Page-Master writes now the amount of users for the
Highscore-Table in the Titlebar, no longer the fixed
value of 10 Users.
+Fixed the annoying Window-Definition linked by the
V0.072 (06-27-95) - Update
Removed the CTRL-M when creating the Bulletin.
V0.080 (09-26-95) - Next Beta-Update
Added the possibility to call the pager with the reason
from BBS-Prompt, i.e. : O DRECKSFRESSE, KOMM RAN!
is a valid call :=)
+The Reason is now centered in the Page-Window,looks a
little bit nicer :)
+The Beep-Delay increases to 2 seconds, now the user
won't recognize if you decides to close the window.
V.081 (10-06-95) - Fast beta Release
-Fixed the Argumentparsing because Strider fixed a little
bug :) This Version works only up to V0.329ß of MainPart
V0.82 (01-15-96) - Internal Update
+Rewritten the code to use FAME.library and
FAMEAllocObject() for future development...also the now
standardized Includes and other stuff used...
V0.83 (02-05-96) - Internal Update
-Removed the obselete FAME.library functions FAMEAtol()
and FAMESprintf() and replaced them with dos/exec lib
V0.84 (02-10-96) - Beta Update
+Added Keyboard-Support for the Page-Window. Also ESC is
now set to the CloseButton of the Window. This allows to
control the whole functions via keyboard.
-Fixed some very hidden memorybugs, one of my favourite
bugs...forgot to free memory....now fixed!
-Some internal bugs with window signals fixed (Thx to
Strider :)
Added new ToolType:
If set, only one user could page you, but if you go into
chat via the Page-Master, this is also not allowed when
setting this ToolType. When not set, all users could page
you anytime.